Happy, happy, happy weekend!
Come along with us here because who doesn’t need a bit of good news?

Let yourself smile, be crazy inspired, laugh, love & really live the gift of this life
just a little bit more this weekend
Serving up only the Good Stuff for you & your people right here:

“The heavens declare the glory of God…”
The way she captures the sky….awestruck!

Beautiful! “When you realize what Jesus did on the cross for you, you understand you owe Him everything.”

100% guarantee this cow sliding down a hill will make you smile

Changing lives…one fish at a time!
“And he said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men” (Matt. 4:19 ESV)

Don’t worry, it’s not a real crocodile. It is, however, the cutest thing we’ve seen all week.

No matter your storm, on matter your struggle: He is Jireh, and He is enough. 

Beautiful artwork by Katy Rose

Absolutely gorgeous free downloadable print, one of the many free bonus gifts included with the On The Way Lenten Journey, free, when you grab your copy of WayMaker.

<< tears >>
The soul-healing beauty of a simple hug…

<< just beautiful >>
This precious image-bearer, so carefully crafting beauty from the soil,
just as her Heavenly Father so carefully crafted her.

Renewal, revival, the springing forth of new life…

The smiles on their faces really say it all!
Fighting loneliness with “couch bikes.”

<< grin >>
May we always cling to the joys of childhood…

“What way will you bear your suffering?”

<< glory soak >>
take a stroll today amongst the elk and turkeys at the Great Smoky Mountains National Park

<< wildly wonderful >>
Firefighters, Friends, and now….Fathers – in the same hospital, within the same 24 hours?!
You’ve got to read this story!

so incredible!

a spring memory that grew for years and years – a pure delight!

Such a great conversation with my friend, Ruth! Did you catch it?
A new way of thinking & being when it feels like there is no way.

glory, glory, glory

40-Day Lenten Wreath from The Keeping Company

Post of the week from these parts:

What Are You Paying Attention To?

Have you paid attention lately to what exactly it is you’re paying attention to?

Because the reality is: What we pay attention to – is how we spend our lives.

Pay attention mostly to the news – and we spend our one life on headlines. 

Pay attention mostly to screens – and we spend our days mostly in a digital haze. 

Pay attention mostly to the negative – and we spend the only life we have – on the very things that we wish weren’t. 

It turns out? We gain more – of whatever we pay attention to. 

So the question always really is: What do we actually really want more of? 

This week’s post is our warm invitation: a gentle peek into our 40+ Day Audio Lenten Journey, available as a daily audio devotional, directly emailed as a gift of sincerest thanks and friendship to all who subscribe, with picking up an order of WayMaker, as together, we can travel from Calvary to the Empty Tomb – and real HOPE.

Want to hear ALL the Lenten audio devotions?
join us as we walk the SACRED way together

Books for Soul Healing:

One Thousand Gifts

Joy is actually possible, right where you are.

Take the dare to discover: Life is not an emergencyLife is a GIFT. Life is too short to do anything but truly savor it — to count all the ways you truly loved.

The Broken Way

What if Brokenness is the Path into the Abundant Life?
You don’t have to be afraid of broken things — because Christ is redeeming everything.
There’s no other authentic way forward — but a broken way — right into a profoundly abundant life.

The Way of Abundance

Journey into a deeply meaningful life with this devotional and take sixty steps from heart-weary brokenness to Christ-focused abundance. The Way of Abundance — is the way forward every heart needs.

Be The Gift

Be the Gift is a tender invitation into the next step of deeper transformation, less stress, more joy and abundantly more peace & purpose. You only get one life to love well…to Be The Gift.


We can trust that God, the WayMaker, is always at work creating the life of our dreams, through ways we never would have dreamed for ourselves. Even now, the Way is making the way to walk through waves and into a life more deeply fulfilling than our wildest dreams.

Oh Lord, You step into our darkness, You rescue and redeem because that’s the kind of God You are.

[ Print’s FREE here ]

…you can look up at the calendar today and exhale:

It’s okay to feel bone tired — you have One who gives His bone and His body for you and beckoned: Come Rest.

It’s okay to feel disillusioned — you have One who destroys cheap illusions of perfection and offers you His.

It’s okay to feel done — you have One who listens to the last nail be driven in and proclaims all the hellish things finished.

It’s okay to feel battered and bruised — you have One who storms your battles, takes back everything that needs a comeback, and proves His side won.

It’s okay to not feel okay — because you have One — who made you His one.

You have One who left the clamor of the 99, to find you, remind you, remake you, rename you, release you.

You have One who is more ready to forgive what you’ve done, than you are to forget,
One who is more ready to give you grace, than you are to give up,
One who is more than ready to always stand with you, than you are to run.
One who is a greater lover, rescuer, saviour, friend— than you have ever imagined Him to be even when your love for Him is most on fire.

Today, these worries, this world, may leave you feeling a bit depressed —
but you have a God who is obsessed with you.

It’s beautiful how that goes:
Whatever the story is today — it’s okay.
Because we know the ending — and how it will be the beginning of the truest happily ever after.

Whatever the story is today — it’s okay.
Because the Writer of the story has written Himself into the hardest places of yours and is softening the edges of everything with redeeming grace.

[excerpted from our little Facebook family … come join us each day?]

That’s all for this weekend, friends.

Go slow. Be God-struck. Grant grace. Live Truth.

Give Thanks. Love well. Re – joy, re- joy, ‘re- joys’ again

Share Whatever Is Good.