When you meet Joyce Koo Dalrymple you can’t help but absolutely love and esteem her — she’s truly one of the most radiant souls I’ve ever known. I first met Joyce when I was pursuing my master’s degree at Wheaton College and she and her family so graciously welcomed me into their home in Wheaton and Joyce has become one of my very dearest, wisest friend. We’ve shared our hearts for serving people and Jesus, loving our families, and our beloved youngest daughters who are both heart warriors adopted from China. Joyce absolutely embodies the spirit of the women in her book, who love and follow Jesus in faithful and courageous ways. It’s a humbling delight and grace to welcome Joyce to the farm’s table today…

Guest Post by Joyce Koo Dalrymple

Even though I knew the road would not be easy, I trusted that if God called me, He would lead me.

I already had two young children and a career in law when I felt a sense of call to go into ministry. As an Asian American woman, I was uncertain what opportunities would be open to me. I had not seen many examples of people who look like me as ministry leaders.

Even though I knew the road would not be easy, I trusted that if God called me, He would lead me.

During seminary, people (including my professors) often asked why I was pursuing a Master of Divinity, the most common degree earned prior to getting ordained or licensed to become a pastor or minister.

So, I kept going back to God to ask, “Did I hear You correctly? Am I allowed to feel a desire to teach and to pastor? Is this calling from you, God?”

Jesus reached out to women from the margins and placed them in the center of the story.

I felt a gentle nudge to study the passage of the Samaritan woman, where Jesus chose a marginalized woman to become the first evangelist to non-Jewish people. That fueled my hunger and led me to study every passage where Jesus interacted with a woman.

Repeatedly, I read how Jesus reached out to women from the margins and placed them in the center of the story. He affirmed their faith and invited them into ministry.

I wanted to know how Jesus views women and by extension how He sees me. What I discovered surprised me and became the subject of a complete Bible Study of Women of the New Testament!

Women are everywhere in the New Testament. They follow and they serve Jesus, they seek Him for healing, and they play creative and essential roles in the early church.

Motivated by love, these women are honest and persistent, often defying cultural gender norms in their pursuit of Jesus. Their bold faith, displayed by their words and deeds, disrupts a male-dominated world. 

For much of our history since, however, their stories have been mediated and interpreted through a male-centric lens, which may often miss these disruptions.

This may mean that you will be surprised when you see what an active and courageous role women played in the days when Jesus and His apostles announced the arrival of the Kingdom of God, and the role Jesus continues to invite all of His disciples into today. 

In this LifeChange study guide of Women of the New Testament, we study how Jesus welcomes marginalized and culturally neglected people as disciples, publicly affirms their faith as examples for others, and empowers them to lead and use their gifts.

We will also allow the women’s words to speak for themselves as they follow Jesus and tell others about Him:

Throughout their interactions with Jesus, women are seen, empowered, and commissioned by their Savior in powerful ways.

I am the Lord’s servant. May your word to me be fulfilled.”—Mary  (Luke 1:38

If I just touch his clothes, I will be healed.”—the woman who had been bleeding for twelve years (Mark 5:28)

Lord, Son of David, have mercy on me!”—the Canaanite woman whose daughter was demon possessed (Matthew 15:22)

I believe that you are the Messiah, the Son of God, who has come into the world.”—Martha,  after her brother Lazarus died (John 11:27

Come, see a man who told me everything I ever did.”—the Samaritan woman at the well (John 4:29)

I have seen the Lord!”—Mary Magdalene, the first witness of the Resurrection (John 20:17-18)

As Jesus reveals Himself to these women, they express a remarkable understanding of His identity and mission. Throughout their interactions with Jesus, women are seen, empowered, and commissioned by their Savior in powerful ways.

Alongside the men, they generously give and serve, teach, and lead in ways that help spread the gospel.

As we consider these extraordinary New Testament women, may we all—men and women alike who follow Jesus—be inspired by their stories, draw closer to Jesus in wholehearted devotion, follow Him in countercultural ways, and partner together to transform communities!

Joyce Koo Dalrymple is a pastor, speaker, and podcast host. She leads Refuge for Strength, a women’s ministry focused on spiritual formation and listening to God in community. A former television journalist and attorney, she frequently guest preaches at local churches and speaks at women’s events and retreats. 

Keep reading with Joyce in her Lifechange Bible study- Women of the New Testament. Discover eight women who challenged norms and transformed communities. Lifechange Bible studies have sold over 3 million copies and cover every book of the Bible and important topics. They train you in good Bible study practices as you enjoy an engaging study of Scripture. 

[ Our humble thanks to NavPress for their partnership in today’s devotional. ]