I’ve known Susie Larson for years. We first met when I was a guest on her radio show. We talked about the thousands of ways God has shown us His goodness. Susie and I have shared the platform at speaking events, and we’ve enjoyed moments of prayer backstage. We both love Jesus. Love His presence. Treasure His nearness. It’s a grace to welcome Susie to the farm’s table today…

Guest Post by Susie Larson

Adapted from Susie’s book, “Closer Than Your Next Breath

Several years ago, I ran into an old friend at a conference. I smiled when I saw her because I never knew her as a person of faith. But we had some things in common and enjoyed one another’s company. I just loved her.

We found a cozy place to sit, leaned in, and caught up on life. Her daughter’s new Christian faith had inspired a spiritual hunger in my friend’s heart. I was so grateful! 

She looked me in the eyes and said, “Susie, do you remember years ago, when I was going through that terrible divorce?” I nodded, and she continued. “Do you remember when you gave me a hundred dollars for groceries? I’ll never forget that moment. It meant the world to me.” 

I sat back in my chair and said, “Hmmm. I don’t remember that at all. But do you want to know what I do remember? Every idiotic thing I’ve ever said, and what I was wearing when I said it!”

We laughed. But my words were sadly true. 

How many promises have we abandoned because we deemed them out-of-date given our current season of life? But doesn’t God do some of His best work in the eleventh hour?

I don’t think I’m alone when I say that we’re prone to rehearse the things God has decidedly forgotten. And we’re just as apt to forget the things God has distinctly asked us to remember. 

I’ve been camping out in the book of Genesis lately, overwhelmed by all the ways God’s presence shows up in our stories even when we’re unaware. 

The Lord promised Abraham that he would be the father of many nations and that he’d become extremely fruitful. Abraham bowed low to the ground but laughed on the inside. You can’t blame him. Yes, he’d received a promise from the Lord, but he was a shriveled old man.

Imagine him waking up slowly each morning to creaky joints and an achy back. It takes him forever to go to the bathroom, and he often forgets where he left his sandals. Not exactly prime conditions for a newborn. It was Sarai’s idea (not God’s) that Abram should sleep with her servant, so she’d get pregnant and give them a son. Yet when her idea backfired, she blamed her husband.

How many promises have we abandoned because we deemed them out-of-date given our current season of life? But doesn’t God do some of His best work in the eleventh hour?

And before we judge Abraham for bowing low while laughing on the inside, how often do we go through life with a similar disconnect? 

It’s easy to sing worship songs while running through the grocery list in our heads. It’s instinctive to speak Christian phrases without believing them in our hearts.

Here’s the thing: We disengage our hearts when we go through the motions. And when we disengage our hearts, we disconnect from our faith.

Faith is our fuel, and our actions give us traction. Nothing happens in the spiritual realm when we say one thing and believe another. We spin our wheels while the Enemy has his heyday in our lives. 

We disengage our hearts when we go through the motions. And when we disengage our hearts, we disconnect from our faith.

But when we dig down deep and grab hold of the faith God imparted to us when we received His Son, and when we choose to believe and therefore speak words consistent with God’s promises, the ground trembles beneath our feet. Mountains move, waters part. Hearts change. Heaven notices. And God’s purposes are established in and all around us. 

You may occasionally forget who you are, but God never does.

You may remember your sins ad nauseum, but God never does.

He remembers why He made you and how He made you.

God knows what makes you laugh and what makes you cry. He knows what fires you up and what breaks your heart. He loves the masterpiece He crafted in you. God remembers His covenant to you. He remembers His promises.

He knows where you’re weak and gives you the strength you need when you need it most. 

So even when your heart disconnects from your faith because you’re weary in the waiting, God—in His grace—draws near to remind you what’s true. God’s nearness is always for our good. 

When God draws near, His presence shines a light on our hearts. We suddenly see what we missed only moments ago. Conviction moves us to repentance. God’s love draws us close. Jesus’ blood washes away our sin. And heaven rewards our steps of obedience. 

When we choose to believe and therefore speak words consistent with God’s promises, the ground trembles beneath our feet. Mountains move, waters part. Hearts change. Heaven notices. And God’s purposes are established in and all around us. 

We are children of God. Safe and secure. Loved and called. Our names are written in heaven. Our sins are at the bottom of the sea. God’s willingness to forget and His power to remember make us the most blessed creatures of all creation. 

Though the road to salvation is narrow, the love of God runs deep and wide.

True, there’s only one way to the Father, and that’s through His Son, Jesus Christ. But it’s also true that we may find ourselves utterly surprised on judgment day when we find out who’s there and who’s not. 

Some of God’s precious children will cross the finish line still tempted by their addictions (until they see Jesus). Others will stumble over the finish line, burned out and stressed out (until they see Jesus). On that great day when Jesus returns, He’ll find mature believers and immature ones, selfless and selfish ones, those full of faith and those still battling fear. Those who lingered long hours with Him and those who, like Lot, lingered too long with the world. But when we finally see Him, we will be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is.

We’re saved by grace and sealed by the Holy Spirit. And we’re all in different places on our journey. But God knows our names. He knows about our faith and our fruit. Nothing is hidden from Him. Every one of us is sometimes a pile of contradictions, yet He still lavishly loves us and is proud to call us His own. It’s grace that has saved us. The Spirit that has sealed us. And faith that changes us. 

Draw near to Him. Invite Him to work wonders in your life. Listen for His voice. Do what He says. And trust Him when you can’t see, sense, or hear Him.

He’s with you even now.

And He’s committed to leading you every step of the way until you’re safely home. 

Susie Larson is a popular radio talk show host, national speaker, and bestselling author. The author of twenty-two books, Susie is also a veteran in the fitness field and has twice been voted a top-ten finalist for the John C. Maxwell Transformational Leadership Award. Susie and her husband live near Minneapolis with their three sons, three daughters-in-law, and three grandchildren. Susie’s passion is to see people everywhere awakened to the value of their soul, the depth of God’s love, and the height of their calling in Christ Jesus.

Susie’s new book, Closer Than Your Next Breath explores the gift of God’s presence—even when we can’t feel Him. God is omnipresentmeaning He’s here, there, everywhere all at the same timeso no matter what you’re going through today or worried about facing tomorrow, He is closer than you can imagine, and His presence changes everything.

[ Our humble thanks to Thomas Nelson for their humble partnership in today’s devotional. ]